Spider veins are a common byproduct of the aging process, but they are not restricted to the senior set. These visible red and blue vein networks can appear during any season of life,causing cosmetic embarrassment when they occur in prominent areas like the lower legs and face. If you are fed up with hiding your spider veins, maybe it’s time to say goodbye to them for good. When it comes to eliminating the pesky vessels, what options do you have? Are natural remedies a viable option?
To determine the best way to treat spider veins, it is helpful to know why they form in the first place. Spider veins usually develop in a network that might resemble a spider’s web or a starburst pattern. They may be red or blue, and some of them can become quite large. The most common areas to find spider veins are on the leg, particularly behind the knee, and on the face. However, these visible vessels can show up nearly anywhere on the body.Causes of spider veins vary and might include:
- Hormonal fluctuations
- Injury or trauma to the skin
- Excessive sun exposure
- Some medications, including anabolic steroids
- Excessive alcohol consumption (facial veins)
The primary risk for spider veins is genetics, which means if one or both of your parents have them, you are more apt to develop them as well. Other factors that could increase your likelihood of developing these networks include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle or long periods on your feet during the day. If you have tried natural treatments to your spider veins to no avail, there is another solution. Laser therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed right in your doctor’s office without the need for incisions or anesthesia. Instead, a sterile solution is injected into the affected veins that causes the vessel to seal closed and collapse. The vessel is reabsorbed by the body over time and is no longer visible on the skin’s surface.
If you have spider veins and want to get rid of them, it’s time to call our office. Our specialized doctors are here to provide you with top quality treatment to eliminate your spider veins for good. Whether you’ve just recently seen them or they’ve been an issue for a while, our team is here to help. Don’t wait any longer to get the treatment you need to get rid of your spider veins. Call our office today to schedule your appointment.